

Active Office 365 Credential Theft Phishing Campaign Targeting Admin Credentials

PhishLabs has detected attempts to compromise Microsoft Office 365 administrator accounts as part of a broad phishing campaign. In the campaign, the threat actor(s) delivered a phishing lure that impersonated Microsoft and their Office 365 brand but came from multiple validated domains - an educational institution for example - not belonging to Microsoft. If the victim clicked the link, they...

Social Media Account Takeover is as Vicious as a BEC Attack

At the height of social media adoption, users willingly shared everything from the lunch they just ate to the exact places they visited throughout the day. While some of this has been reduced as consumers learned how sharing private information could impact their privacy, many people still hide these kinds of updates behind basic security controls. This is just one of the reasons that a flurry of...

Beware of Account Takeover

One way to verify if an email is legitimate is to look at the sender's address, the actual sender's address, not just the sender's name. One tactic cyber criminals employ is using the sender's name to trick the recipients. The cyber criminal may use a known acquaintance's name or the name of a legitimate company they are trying to spoof. This sounds sophisticated, but it is easy to catch when...

Low Appetite for Long Security Training? Use a Bite Sized Approach

Although computer-based training has been on the scene for over two decades, it is only recently that learning professionals have begun to optimize it. Often these courses present hours of content in a single learning experience. While the flexibility of computer-based training offers convenience, learners are often overloaded and overwhelmed by the amount of information presented to them. ...