

How and Why You Should Calculate Your Organization's Cost of Phishing

Everybody knows phishing is costly to their organization. But how costly? Few organizations know for sure. Plenty of studies have claimed to calculate the cost of phishing, but the results are usually hard to swallow. For instance, does phishing cost your organization $1.6 million per incident? Or $3.7 million per year? Perhaps... but probably not. The issue with these figures is that they're...

Why Some Phishing Emails Will Always Get Through Your Spam Filter

Frustrating, isn’t it? It seems like no matter what you do, a few phishing emails always find their way into your users’inboxes. You’ve tweaked your spam filter, and you’re scanning every attachment… But nothing seems to work. Is it you? Are you making some glaring mistake? Probably not. We've discussed before why your users keep falling for phishing scams, and there's more to it. The...

Why Your Users Keep Falling for Phishing Scams

We’ve all been there. That awful moment, when you realize it’s happened again. “Why do they never learn?” You ask yourself. “It really isn’t that hard!” Time and time again, your users click on malicious links and attachments in phishing emails, and it seems like no matter what you do to improve their awareness, it never gets any better. So why do they keep falling for phishing scams? Is it...

Building a Business Case for Effective Security Awareness Training

Security education programs are sometimes mandated, always important, and often difficult to justify the investment. It is easy to get the powers that be to sign off on a once-per-year security awareness training program that will satisfy compliance requirements, but we all know by now that compliance does not equal security. The Information Security Forum (ISF) has defined information...

Phishing Takedown Anti-Phishing Phishing Protection

Phishing is a prevalent problem for businesses, particularly financial institutions. Over the years, many services have emerged to help organizations address phishing attacks that are targeting their customers' accounts. When seeking solutions, businesses find they have several options to choose from. These fall into three categories: Phishing takedown services Anti-phishing services ...