
Press Release

PhishLabs Recognized in 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Security Awareness Computer-Based Training

Charleston, S.C., July 25, 2019 — Today, PhishLabs announced it has been recognized by Gartner in the July 2019 Magic Quadrant for Security Awareness Computer-Based Training. PhishLabs is the only vendor in Gartner’s current Magic Quadrant for Security Awareness Computer-Based Training evaluation that delivers security awareness training exclusively as a managed service. “We believe being...
Press Release

Over 80% of All Phishing Attacks Targeted U.S. Organizations

Originally published in BLEEPINGCOMPUTER Excerpt: "U.S. entities remained the most attractive targets of phishing attacks throughout 2018, with an estimated 84% of the total volume of millions of incidents analyzed during the last year by threat intelligence company PhishLabs." Read the full article here. ...
Press Release

Source Code of Android RAT Dendroid Leaked Online

From SecurityWeek. The complete source code for the Android remote access Trojan (RAT) called Dendroid has been leaked online, which researchers from PhishLabs have found contains several vulnerabilities. “The lack of user input validation in Dendroid’s control panel is severe, especially when you consider the level of operational security needed in even smaller crimeware campaigns,” PhishLabs...